Dalia(cracked wheat) Comfort Food

1 and half cup -Cracked Wheat
1/4 cup moong daal
2 and 3/4 cup -Water
1 cup -pea,potato,onion,
1/2 tsp-Salt
1/2 tsp-Coriender pwder
1/2 tsp-turmeric
Sliced/choppedTomato onion
1/4 tsp coriender
2 cloves(winters only )
bay leaves
Soak for 10 min to half hour
Mix all pressure cooker for 1 vissel
Its good to have black pepper and cloves as it improves the taste.
For cough cold it is good .
Garnish and serve .
Any veggie can be added .
Pressure cooker dalia only then add fry veggie (donot fry for unwell person)


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