Skills needed for children

There is a lower n upper limit for each skill or a milestone cover. for ex a child should roll in 3-7mths wait for the upper limit . I know u r mother but the thing grows u need to wait . All child development is different even with the common mother.Every child is an individual .They have a growth pattern and lifestyle. Being parents the tantrum ,right wrong and growth are key pointers for everyone. You to expand your viewpoint to fit in the frame well .Patience is the key .I know is never easy for anyone.Kids get hurts if other child is in pain we have tears in our eyes.But kids are reflection of mother and environment.
Concentrate on what u wish to see in Ur kid rather then comparing.Healthy competition is good but comparison is not. Also read and accept the way your kid is doing no matter its good or bad. Developing kid is not a plan but a pattern change and develop as need . Trust me you are the best mother .
  • Cognitive brain acceptance and working preference . In detail how child respond to things taught
  • Fine motor hands movement
  • Gross motor walk sit balance ride
  • Communication language n talking
  • Social n emotional the environment friendly,people friendly able to handle the failure as well as success
Happy parenting ....


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