Lemon Sorbet

Shiknaji ....the soda kancha bottle ...the lemon on the gane(sugarcane) ka thela ...so many childhood memories with lemon and now ....I am so big I made lemon squash at home .......its too hot in LA its keeps me hydrated all the time and act as time back machine for me .I hole my papa's hand and sitting on the gaane ka thela .....mommy take me for shopping and give me that ............but as I grew older my father stop me taking to that for hygienic  issues ...when I found in bay area I love it and went back to it ....wooo!! those cool days Anyways I have in the bottle and I can just add water and  find any excuse to drink

8-10 bigger (15-20 small)Lemon
2 tsp Black salt
1 bunch Mint leaves (dried or fresh)
1/8inch Ginger
2tbsp Sugar
Water so that sgar can be just mixed
Wash dry  the lemons
Cut in halves and juice them 
Take mint leaves and ginger with lemon juice grind them in blender 
Add everything and strain 
Cool of the sugar syrup and add into strain juice 
Store in bottle
Good to use it as long as you can 
Good to drink after meal reduce fat 
Very good digest


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